Friday, December 11, 2009

5. Presentations!!

As you know 2 days ago we did our presentation and to be honest I was a little nervous about whether the presentation would be succesful or not because the presentations that were before us were both extremely detailed and covered all points. I could say I learned a lot from them, not only the things that are told in the presentation, but also learned how to ımprove my presentation. Feedbacks also would help a lot to our final presentation ofcourse. I want to share what I've learned with this practise presentation:
1. Your group needs to be well organised and you need some kind of a division of labour.
2. You need to do a detailed research about the things you are going to mention in presentation.
3. You need to study what you are going to say in the presentation, not memorizing but keeping some keywords in your mind is an extra in fluent talking, which is good for presenting. =)
4. You and your partners have to know all the things are mentioned in presentation, not only your part.
5. Giving some examples from daily life helps the oudience to be more focused.
6. Joke is a great plus in presentation.
Well, these are only my opinions =) If you could add more suggestions they can help a lot.

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